Surrey, April 3-4 2023

General Information

The 11th UFM meeting   will take place at the University of Surrey.  Attendance to the meeting is free as always. 

Below you will find the programme.  We will upload copies of the presentations after the meeting.

FUTURE cities – the challenge of changing urban form

Joint FUTURE/UFM hybrid meeting April 3-4 2023, University of Surrey

(Treetops*, Wates House, Stag Hill Campus)

Monday 3rd April 

1200 Lunch

1300 Welcome (Marco Placidi & Zheng-Tong Xie)

1310 Thomas Vik (FMI) Large-eddy simulation of gas dispersion in urban environments (Chair: Marco Placidi)

1400 Fluid dynamics of Urban Tall-building clUsters for Resilient built Environments (FUTURE) project updates (Chair: Marco Placidi)

-          Alan Robins (University of Surrey) An overview of the FUTURE project.

-          Abhishek Mishra (University of Surrey) Wake-scaling behind clusters of tall buildings.

-          Saad Inam (University of Southampton) Wakes and their merging behind tall-building clusters.

-          Janet Barlow (University of Reading) Field observations and modelling of tall building wakes.

1520 Break

1550 Valery Masson (Meteo France) Hectometric forecasting for the Paris Olympics: the Paris RDP (Chair: Humphrey Lean)

1650 Discussion about project FUTURE (Chair: Janet Barlow)

1720 Quick-fire talks followed by Poster session (Chair: Steve Herring)

1900 Dinner (30 max, first come first serve)

Tuesday 4th April

0900 Pietro Salizzoni (Ecole Central Lyon). Urban dispersion and the effect of trees (Chair: Alan Robins)

1000 Invited lectures (Chair: Daniel Hackett)

-          Christina Vanderwel (University of Southampton) Scale model experiments for urban aerodynamics and dispersion.

-          Ruth Shilston (RWDI) Looking back of three years micro-climate/wind/thermal comfort guidelines in London.     

-          Jeroen Janssen (Thornton Tomasetti) Wind loading on a tall building in a dense city centre: LES vs wind tunnel.  

1100 Break

1120 Invited lectures (Chair:  Christina Vanderwel)

-          Dudley Shallcross (University of Bristol).  A brief overview of the Across-Scale processeS in URban Environments (ASSURE) project.

-          Jian Zhong (University of Birmingham) Modelling dispersion of air pollutants at the street scale in the West Midlands using the ADMS-Urban model.  

-          Shanshan Ding (University of Surrey) Neutrally- and Stably-Stratified Boundary Layers Adjustments to a Step Change in Surface Roughness.

1220 Plenary discussion. Five years of UFM: where are we now? (Chari: Maarten van Reeuwijk)

1300 Lunch


* Venue: Treetops (Wates House - Stag Hill Campus). A Campus map can be found at:  (the map in PDF attached)

Treetops is the top floor of Wates House (see Cafés/Restaurants Stag Hill Campus - Building 8 - Grid E2).